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ANB Austria – SZA is accredited by EWF and IIW
• ANB is responsible for implementing the goals and requirements of EWF and IIW national and international according to EWF-IAB/IIW guidelines and acts independent and impartial.
• ANB collaborates on implementation of international harmonized guidelines for education, examination and certification of joining personnel.
• ANB is responsible for the national implementation of the current EWF/IIW- education, examination and certification system for personnel in the field of joining. This includes evaluation, authorization and continuous supervision of the Approved Training Bodies (ATBs), authorization of training programs, holding of examinations and issuing of EWF/IIW-diplomas as well as the relevant records.
• Regarding the qualification proceedings ANB acts impartial, independent and objective in its professional decisions. ANB is not in any connection with companies or persons, who could influence those proceedings, and solely subordinated to IIW-IAB and EWF.
List of the diploma numbers of the ANB Austria SZA that were issued and are valid at the reference date Document
The ANB Austria – SZA is approved for the following guidelines by EWF and IIW-IAB; the training takes place at the authorized training bodies
Download the relevant forms for applicant’s registration, approval of work experience, transcription of diplomas, duplicates of diplomas and issue of stamp plates